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In Season Training
In season training is all about maintaining strength and keep your joints healthy.
The biggest mistake people make during ski season is not training at all. The second biggest mistake people make is continuing to train in a fatiguing way during the season. Both strategies have a lot of holes in them.
If You Only Have 10 Minutes to Train Mobility, What Should You Do?
The big payoff of mobility is that it improves two-way communication between your nervous system and your tissue. When communication is poor, your joints don’t move the way they need to move, and you’re more likely to experience pain and injuries. When communication is strong, you can move your joints with precision and avoid being stuck in positions that increase pain and limit your performance.
9 Pillar of Fitness Deep Dive: Mobility, Movement Skill, and Joint Health
A deep dive into Pillar 1 of our 9 Pillars of Fitnes.
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