The Blog
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In Season Training
In season training is all about maintaining strength and keep your joints healthy.
The biggest mistake people make during ski season is not training at all. The second biggest mistake people make is continuing to train in a fatiguing way during the season. Both strategies have a lot of holes in them.
Stop doing whatever hurts—but keep playing
“Every time I ski, my knee hurts. What should I do?”
I get that question all winter long. If you are playing and training through joint pain, you are making that pain worse and ensuring it’ll stick around. Stop doing whatever hurts—but keep playing.
Wellness After Warfare: Lessons From Marine Raider Sean Carano
In October 2022, Marine Raider Sean Carano retired from active duty after 20 years of service. He had deployed seven times to Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere. His story is a beautiful guide to how we all can reinvent ourselves and redefine fitness and wellness during life’s most jarring transitions.
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