Private Training with Off the Mountain

One-on-one coaching, quarterly mobility assessments, nutrition planning, and more. It’s Park City’s most premium training experience, powered by the 100 Year Athlete © method.

There are no shortage of gyms in Park City. However, several qualities differentiate Off The Mountain private training from anything else you’ll find in town and beyond.

Measured and Made for Your Body

Private training at OTM starts with the Functional Range Assessment (FRA), which measures joint health from head to toe. Using your FRA, we develop a custom mobility program to address issues that could become sources of pain and injury (if they aren’t already). We also tune mobility programming to your specific sports and activities.

Designed for Longevity and Injury Prevention

As with 100 Year Athlete, the default setting in private training is to optimize for healthspan and minimize your risk of developing pain or suffering acute injuries. Think of private training as an investment in your long-term quality of life. If you want to play in the mountains into your 80s, 90s, and 100s, you have to train for that.

Take Your Program Anywhere

Whether you live in Park City full-time or seasonally, you can always train with Off The Mountain. Your programs are loaded into the OTM mobile app with video instructions and a history of your weights and reps. Your coach can modify the program to suit whatever equipment you have available.

Ready to train?